Contact Us If You Need Someone to Talk To
Contact Us If You Need Someone to Talk To
Mental Health Services
Mental Health Services
Tri-County Help Center’s services are certified by the Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services. Our local Mental Health and Recovery Board allows TCHC to provide a sliding-fee scale for clients who may not have insurance and bases the cost of services on the individual’s household income and family size.
Mental health services accept Ohio Medicaid, Medicare, some private insurances, and a sliding-fee scale for payment. Services are offered to adults and children, men and women, and anyone with a mental health need.
Services are available in Belmont County, Harrison County, and Monroe County in Ohio.

Licensed mental health professionals provide individual counseling services in Belmont, Harrison, and Monroe counties. Our mental health clients do not need to be a victim of abuse, although we do provide counseling for abuse victims.
Individual counseling is provided to those who suffer from depression, anxiety, grief and/or other situational or mental health issues using a trauma-informed care approach.
Parenting Class
Parenting Class
Parenting Classes can be with voluntary enrollment, court-ordered or DFJS ordered. Classes are once a week, offered in a group setting, and require a mandatory 12 sessions to complete the program successfully. Participants learn parental empowerment, child development, and parenting techniques.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
DBT Group is also in a group setting and provides individuals with new skills to manage painful emotions and decrease conflict in relationships focusing on four key areas:
- Mindfulness
- Distress Tolerance
- Emotion Regulation
- Interpersonal Effectiveness
Domestic Abuse Intervention Program
Domestic Abuse Intervention Program
DAIP is a voluntary court-ordered 12-week group treatment program that identifies patterns of abuse, recognizes barriers that prevent healthy relationships, and focuses on relapse prevention.
Participants will learn the effects of DV on children, tactics of abuse and its impact on victims, anger recognition and regulation, partnerships, emotional abuse versus respect, trust and support, stress, and behaviors necessary to maintain a non-violent lifestyle.
Psychiatric Treatment
Psychiatric Treatment
When individuals are seen by a counselor, and the individual has a medication need, they can be referred to an outside agency for psychiatric assessments and medication management.
Community Psychiatric Service Treatment
Community Psychiatric Service Treatment
CPST, or case management services, are available to clients who need assistance and support in the community. Case management services are offered in the office, at home, at school, or wherever we can go to meet the needs of our clients.
TCHC uses a consumer-led approach, where the clients describe their needs, and the case managers help the clients develop and achieve those goals. This can be advocating on behalf of the client in the community, linking the client with finding appropriate housing, food pantries, assisting in filing for Social Security Disability, or public assistance benefits.
Case managers encourage people to explore options, identify their strengths, and build self-sufficiency.